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Wondering if ETT is for you?

Energy Therapy Technique

  • What?

    A technique developed by Dr. Karen Ward who is both a psychotherapist and shamanic practitioner. It harnesses a shamanic energetic approach to healing and brings it into psychotherapy as a holistic therapeutic approach.

  • How?

    ETT can offer deep change in an area we feel stuck by using a combination of guided visualisation and breathwork. This technique can be part of a longer psychotherapy process or a stand-alone short-term process for a specific area we feel blocked or stuck in.

  • Why?

    ETT is founded on the understanding that as well as the emotional, mental and physical; there is a subtle energetic level to us as human beings. The difficulties we face at the emotional and mental levels that often bring us to therapy may also be worked on at the energetic level.

“Before you can move in new directions, you must first let go of what’s not working for you”

Alberto Villoldo

How it works…

  • Can be part of a broader process of psychotherapy

  • If you want to try ETT on its own, we will start with a free 15min consultation to make sure it’s right for you. If it is, we will book our ETT session which will be 1hr 15mins and a follow-up 25min integration session a week or two later.

  • Stand-alone ETT work will usually be done online due to availability

  • Stand-alone ETT sessions can be booked strictly as a package of 2 sessions, as described above, for a total fee

  • We will work together to distil down the energetic block we are working on, and then I will guide you through a visualisation journey and breathwork

  • The process is gentle, simple and easy to do


What can ETT help with?

ETT can help us in any area we might feel stuck or blocked or have been finding it difficult to make progress. It can also be useful if we have a sense some part of us is missing.

ETT can offer a new way of working with an old challenge we haven’t been able to progress with, in the way we want.

Does this align with my spiritual or religious beliefs?

This technique is founded on a secular spiritual philosophy based on our connection as human beings with nature. In this way, it is not specific to any religion or set of spiritual beliefs and you do not need to be spiritual, religious or non-religious to use it.

I am interested in this but find meditation/breathwork difficult.

The guided visualisation and breathwork in ETT are very simple to do. However, if you find meditation or breathwork difficult due to historical trauma, psychiatric illness or physical difficulties related to breathing, this might not be the right technique for you. Please feel free to get in touch if you’re not sure.

Is this like Reiki or an energy-healing session?

ETT differs from energy-healing therapies like Reiki in that clients are guided to do their own energy healing. You will not passively receive the healing I am providing but be guided through visualisation and breathwork to find and release your energetic blocks yourself. In this way, it is more like the psychotherapeutic model of healing.

How do I know whether Psychotherapy or ETT is best for me?

If you’re unsure, please contact me, and I can help you decide.